The delivery time of used books is based on your location and the seller's location.
The delivery time for the book you have bought, or want to buy, is written under the sellers' names after you click 'Buy used'. You have to be logged in and have your address added to see the estimated time of arrival for each seller.
The delivery time is estimated from the time Helthjem or Dooris picks up the book, and not from when the seller accepts the request. The estimated time of delivery calculates the time between your address and the seller's address, and some deviation may occur.
You can either track the book you've bought by the link you should have received by SMS, or by visiting the tracking page for Helthjem or Dooris in your browser:
Just write your reference code in the search bar and you can track where your package is. The reference code consists of 5 letters or numbers: R-XXXXX (Ex.: R-N7F8X)
You have to contact us within 14 days should there be something wrong with your order after you've received it.